Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Beginning

I guess with anything great and amazing, there must be a beginning and here is mine.  This blog/journal has been on my mind and heart for a long time and I've ignored (or denied) the thoughts and feelings to actually put it together thinking that no one would even read what I had to say, but even if that's true, I need to do this for myself.
Let me introduce myself for starters...

My name is Tiffany Lovell.  I am 33 years old.  I tell everyone I'm 30 because truly I never really had a 30th birthday (a post for another day...).  I have lived everywhere, not because I was in a military family, but because I have a spirit for adventure.  I have been married to my best friend for 8 1/2 years and have four beautiful children, 2 boys and 2 girls.  We have a 5 lb yorkie named Sophie.  That's pretty much the surface stuff.  The underlayers are what I plan to share with you through this crazy blogging adventure.  Things like post partum depression, financial struggles and successes, parenting struggles, learning how to love me, recipes I can't live without, crafting thoughts, friendship experiences and advice, faith and belief and mostly just figuring out how to make it in this crazy world and be happy!
I hope that you'll share this journey with me.  I hope that something I share will inspire you, touch you, make you laugh, make you cry, make you reach out to someone who you haven't talked to in a long time and mostly just draw within you the desire to live a little better, stand a little taller and find joy in the simple things!  Together, we'll embrace this crazy life and find out really "WHAT MATTERS MOST!"